Friday, January 1, 2010

Christian Love?

Ted Olbrich has been a minister in Cambodia for decades.  He started his ministry in Phnom Penh shortly after the fall of the Khmer Rouge.  He had a small church at first.  Not a whole lot of people were coming.  But there were the orphans.  A lot of orphans came, and soon they had more orphans than church members.  So they were caring for orphans.  People were so impressed with the love that they showed with the orphans that many people came around to find out what this church was all about.  Some came to the Lord.  Others didn't.  But today that organization is one of the most respected organizations in the country with church homes in every province.

The same thing is happening in China.  Christians in China are showing the love of Christ and caring for orphans and disabled children.  They're tutoring and feeding the hungry.  It is this display of the love of Jesus that is causing the oppressive government to permit churches to exist  in China.

While Christianity is growing in places like China, Cambodia and Central America, it is truth be told struggling in the United States.  When we hear about Evangelical Christians, it's mostly about trying to prevent same sex marriages.  This time of year is the war on Christmas when Evangelicals whine and moan because a courthouse or library won't permit an x-mas tree or Frosty the Snowman on its front lawn.  Not very often do we hear about Christian teenagers going on two week vacations in Mexico to paint the same wall for the 34th time or a guy giving five bucks to his church.

Blame it on the liberal media.  The liberal media's policy of "if it bleeds, it leads" negative reporting refuses to report on the good things that Christians are doing.  Let me ask you then, since when is it the liberal media's responsibility to report that Christians are doing good things?  The fact is that Christianity in this country is suffering because Christianity in this country is suffering.  Most Christians practice Moral Therapeutic Deism, not true Christianity.  Many people go to church only so that little Chauncey will grow up to be a good boy and not get drunk and wreck the car or act up.  Someone once told me that U.S. Christians spend more on dog food than on world missions.  Christians are more concerned about two gay people getting married than they are about the exploding divorce rate and adultery among Christians.  The fact is that if Christians were out there acting like Christians, then we wouldn't need to liberal media to publicize it.

Some complain that President Obama is not a true Christian, that he doesn't truly believe in what Jesus said.  That may be true.  Some complain that Hollywood liberals are anti-Christian.  The younger generation is less likely to believe in Jesus than older generations.  Sex, violence an non-family values on TV and in theatres.  A larger and larger percentage of children being born out of wedlock and even more growing up in single parent households.

Do you know who is to blame for this?  The liberal media?  Liberal politicians?  Gay people?  No.  CHRISTIANS ARE TO BLAME FOR THIS!!!  Christians in the U.S. are an embarrassment to God.  They bring shame on God.  Ghandi has been quoted as saying “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  Christianity in this country is in a downward spiral, and it's taking the rest of the country with it.

My prayer is that God would rescue this country from itself.  Only by the grace of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit can this nation be saved.

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